Mydmx 2.0

The mydmx 2.0 software is developing at a frantic pace. New versions of the software should be released several times a quarter and even several times a month.

Update for mydmx 2.0 software.

There are several reasons for this dynamic:
First, new technologies are emerging, as a result, the equipment is being improved and that, in turn, requires software changes.
Secondly, the needs of users are growing, requirements are increasing and the needs are changing for mydmx 2.0 software.
Therefore, it is necessary to monitor changes in the mydmx 2.0 software and to update it in a timely manner.

/ If you do not update in time, you can become a victim of viruses and scammers, which can lead to irreversible consequences. Be careful!/

ADJ has revealed that its popular myDMX 2.0 control software is now compatible with Apple’s latest operating system, Mavericks (OS X 10.9). User will be able to still use the same DMX hardware interface that came with their myDMX 2.0 software to control DMX out from their computers. “We are delighted to have an update to our popular myDMX 2.0 software now making it compatible with the MAC.

  • Aug 06, 2021 myDMX 2.0. MyDMX was developed to be the simplest, PC based, DMX lighting control solutions. 3.3 (15 votes) 15.701.12439.
  • MyDMX Buddy is a scaled down, entry level version of myDMX 2.0. Out of the package, myDMX software will run in limited mode (No 3D visualizer, Easy Remote or Midi features). The dongle plugs directly into a 3-pin DMX input on your lighting fixture. The dongle connects with a computer via a USB connection.
  • MyDMX 2.0 combines a new drag and drop effects generator, new preset palette design and OSX compatibility to help you create and playback dynamic scenes/shows in minutes. With a fresh new graphical and hardware interface design, myDMX 2.0 is sure to keep you on the cutting edge of DMX lighting control.

Mydmx 2.0 App

2.0Mydmx 2.0 appDetecting

Mydmx 2.0 Update

There are many sources for obtaining information on software.

Mydmx Buddy Vs Mydmx 2.0
